MaceTouch Screen

Education MultiTouch Whiteboard

Touch screens have emerged as accelerators in the learning and development of students within schools, colleges, and universities. Students of all ages are comfortable with the interface and are satisfied with touch screen.

Touch screen advantages:
Teachers can use touch screens to increase student participation and improve overall collaboration within the classroom.
Studies have shown that students interacted in learnning and learn more when they are active participants.
Digital Whiteboards:
An ideal for education environments, touch interfaces allow students to intuitively use pens and fingers to write, and erasers or palms to erase, just like with a normal chalkboard. With no complicated dropdown menus to navigate or buttons to press, the learning process can become fun and engaging as well as collaborative, as these whiteboards support multiple users.
Interactive Displays:
Can help teachers and students work collaboratively on projects and presentations. Many productivity applications such as Microsoft’s OneNote and PPT have native support for both touch and styluses so using a touch technology that supports both can ensure that the maximum capability of these programs is utilized.
Touch screen displays offer reliability and performance for integrated solutions and applications in education smart class.

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